Summary and Review of Think and Grow Rich

Author: Napoleon Hill
Topics: Personal Finance
Reader Personal Finance Understanding Level Required: Beginner

“Think and Grow Rich” is an iconic work written by the esteemed author Napoleon Hill, that has cemented its place in the pantheon of personal development and wealth creation literature. Released during the era of the Great Depression, the book emerged as a beacon of hope and a roadmap for financial success, not just for that generation, but for many more to come.

The book is a culmination of Hill’s meticulous research, spanning over two decades, during which he closely studied some of the most affluent and successful individuals of his time. Hill had unprecedented access to titans of industry and innovators, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison, to name a few. These interactions and insights served as the foundation for the principles laid out in “Think and Grow Rich.”

Hill’s primary premise in this work is the assertion that individuals can shape their reality with their thoughts. He posits that the key to wealth and success isn’t purely reliant on tangible factors such as initial capital or education. Instead, it lies in the power of thought and the application of specific principles.

Key Concepts and Principles

The core of “Think and Grow Rich” is built upon 13 principles that serve as stepping stones to personal and financial success. These principles are not just strategies or tips but a comprehensive philosophy of success that demands a transformative shift in the way one perceives and interacts with the world.

  1. Desire: The starting point of all achievement, according to Hill, is a burning desire. It’s not a mere wish but a strong, persistent yearning that transcends passive hope and enters the realm of active pursuit.
  2. Faith: Hill emphasizes faith as a catalyst for achievement. He promotes the idea of visualizing and believing in the attainment of desire, asserting that faith can help transform desire into its physical equivalent.
  3. Autosuggestion: Hill introduces the concept of autosuggestion, which is the method of feeding one’s subconscious mind with thoughts and beliefs that would eventually materialize as reality.
  4. Specialized Knowledge: Hill points out that general knowledge is not what leads to success but specialized knowledge — knowing a lot about one specific area and using that knowledge to reach your goals.
  5. Imagination: According to Hill, imagination is the workshop where all plans are created. He encourages readers to think creatively to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
  6. Organized Planning: Hill urges the importance of clear, structured planning in order to turn desire into its monetary equivalent.
  7. Decision: Hill identifies indecision as a common trait among failures, emphasizing that successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly, if at all.
  8. Persistence: Persistence, according to Hill, is a crucial factor in transforming desire into its physical or monetary form. He argues that without persistence, other positive qualities can go to waste.
  9. Master Mind: The Master Mind is the coordination of knowledge and effort in a spirit of harmony between two or more people to achieve a definite purpose. Hill asserts that a group of like-minded, achievement-oriented individuals can act as a powerful catalyst in reaching one’s goals.
  10. Sex Transmutation: Hill presents the idea of channeling sexual energy into actions that assist in the achievement of financial success.
  11. The Subconscious Mind: Hill explores how the subconscious mind acts as a field where any desired goal can be planted for achievement.
  12. The Brain: Hill discusses how the brain can be used as a broadcasting and receiving station for thoughts.
  13. The Sixth Sense: Hill discusses the sixth sense, or intuition, and how it can be harnessed in service of achieving goals and avoiding obstacles.

Each of these principles serves as a pillar supporting the overarching theme of the book: The power of thought in shaping one’s life. They collectively offer a blueprint for creating a mindset conducive to success and wealth creation.

Why You Should Read the Book

“Think and Grow Rich” is an exceptional book for anyone seeking to improve their mindset and harness their potential for success. While it is often categorized as a financial guide, its teachings transcend the realm of finance to encompass strategies for overall personal development and success.

The principles shared in the book can help individuals refine their thinking patterns, improve their self-belief, set clear and achievable goals, and stay resilient in the face of challenges. The book is an exploration of the power of the mind and the role of thought in shaping one’s life, making it a valuable read for those seeking personal growth and financial success.


Despite its standing as a revered piece of literature, “Think and Grow Rich” is not without its critics. Some readers may find Hill’s principles abstract and challenging to implement due to the lack of concrete, step-by-step strategies. The book tends to focus more on the psychological aspect of success, which might leave some readers wishing for more practical and tangible financial advice.

Moreover, the historical context of the book may sometimes appear disconnected from the current era. Some references and examples, based on early 20th-century personalities and scenarios, might feel outdated or less relatable to a modern audience.

Lastly, Hill’s emphasis on the power of thought has drawn criticism from some quarters. While no one can deny the importance of mindset in achieving success, critics argue that the book may oversimplify the process of wealth creation by not sufficiently addressing the structural and practical barriers that many individuals face.


As we conclude our review of “Think and Grow Rich”, it’s essential to underscore the book’s enduring influence and relevance, even decades after its publication. Hill’s work doesn’t offer a get-rich-quick playbook. Instead, it presents a comprehensive philosophy that advocates for the transformation of thought patterns as a way to achieve personal and financial success.

Hill’s principles, like Desire, Faith, and Master Mind, among others, are not just strategies for wealth acquisition but pillars for personal development. These principles implore readers to exercise resilience, cultivate self-belief, and harness the power of thought. By doing so, they may not only move towards their financial objectives but also enhance their overall quality of life.

“Think and Grow Rich” remains a valuable read, as it bridges the gap between personal development and wealth creation. Its enduring wisdom offers guidance to anyone willing to understand the power of their mind and utilize it to shape their destiny. While the book emphasizes monetary wealth, it is fundamentally about enriching one’s life in multiple aspects, emphasizing that financial prosperity is a byproduct of personal growth and a positive mindset.